Standard & Advanced Module Incursions

Below is a list of the student incursions we have on offer for Year 12 Standard and Advanced English: Module A and Module B.


Mastering The Tempest and Hag-Seed

Preparing Advanced English Students to write a comparative essay on William Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Margaret Atwood’s Hag-Seed for Module A: Textual Conversations.


Mastering Richard III and looking for Richard

Preparing Advanced English Students to write a comparative essay on William Shakespeare’s Richard III and Al Pacino’s Looking for Richard for Module A: Textual Conversations.


Mastering Henry IV, Part I

Preparing Advanced English Students to write a critical essay on William Shakespeare’s Henry IV, Party I for Module B: Critical Study of Literature.


Mastering The Poetry of TS Eliot

Preparing Advanced English Students to write a critical essay on the prescribed poems of TS Eliot for Module B: Critical Study of Literature.


Mastering Pygmalion

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on Bernard Shaw’s play, Pygmalion for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.


Mastering The Castle

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on Rob Sitch’s film, The Castle for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.


Mastering One Night the Moon

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on Rachel Perkins’ film, One Night the Moon for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.


Mastering Henry Lawson’s Short Stories

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on the prescribed short stories of Henry Lawson for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.


Mastering Summer of the Seventeenth Doll

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on Ray Lawler’s play, Summer of the Seventeenth Doll for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.


Mastering Contemporary Asian Australian Poets

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on the prescribed poems from the Contemporary Asian Australian Poets anthology for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.


Mastering Inside My Mother

Preparing Standard English Students to write an essay on the prescribed poems of Ali Cobby Eckermann from her anthology, Inside My Mother for Module A: Language, Identity and Culture.