
mastering the craft of writing

Preparing Students for Paper 2: Section III of the Standard and Advanced English Examination

incursion OVERVIEW

Facilitator: Emily Bosco

Running time: 60 minutes

Delivery Modes: In person or online

Fee: $15 per student (GST inclusive)

Minimum booking: 50 students at a minimum rate of $750 per incursion

incursion description

This incursion prepares Standard and Advanced students for the types of questions they may be asked in Paper 2: Section III of the HSC English examination by:

  • Clarifying exam specifications

  • Explaining to students how they are assessed in this section of the exam

  • Exploring the ways prescribed texts can help students to craft their own texts

  • Walking students through a variety of examination questions, with modeled responses, to demonstrate how discursive, persuasive, and imaginative texts can be written

  • Teaching students how to compose a reflective piece that highlights the language and stylistic choices they have made in their creative composition, and makes reference to the prescribed texts and/or writers who have influenced their composition.


All students receive an incursion booklet.

make a booking

To book this incursion for your students, please complete the form below.